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Super C is a Quebec supermarket chain with more than 80 stores in Quebec. The storage area is 4,103 square meters (44,164 square feet). Super C offers 8,000 products, including about 1200 items of Super C brand. 2006 In the middle of the day, the stores of all 9 states turned into food staples or lobbies. The Pennant store, Ontario, was closed, and now the village occupies the building. super c flyer hull

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Together with more than 80 stores in Quebec, Super C has become the services that serve communities. Super C is defined as a chain of discount supermarkets offering a wide range of products with lower prices, including national brands.

The supermarket is about 8,000 pieces, maintaining the main food, and it's hard to find things. They also sell a wide range of alcoholic beverages, from different brands of beer and wine, to different alcoholic beverages. Additionally, most Super Cs include Western Union, Queenstar or FedEx services.
Among the most popular brands, the store is Merit Choice, Super C and Eresistables, which produce and sell a good range of frozen food, snacks and basic foodstuffs. Super Flyer can include up to 50% of transactions as well as special prices ranging from production to meat and breakfast products.


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